Welcome to the Algebra Math Book - Introductory Algebra
YOU need to study Algebra....
Or At Least That's What You Are Told! Why?
Let's see how good you are. Click on one of the pictures below to find out...
Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Do you need a little brush up on some of the material? Does it look completely foreign to you? Can you do every problem?
This book, Introductory Algebra, takes a different approach to things. Not only do you cover the manipulations needed to solve an equation, deal with graphing, solving quadratics and so forth, but you also work though practical examples of how to apply the solution to real-life problems.
This is not the only approach that is different. This book uses what is called algorithmetic thinking.
What? you ask. Don't be afraid of a new word. The word means that a certain recipe is used to do something. It's like a cooking recipe for mathematics. Once you learn the recipe, you can solve any number of similar problems. The best part of it is you will get the correct answer all the time.
To illustrate, let me show you an algorithm to add three numbers, say 2 + 3 + 5.
If you looked at this and said the answer is 10 without thinking too much about it, then you did the algorithm in your head - best part, you didn't even think you used it! Here is the algorithm:
Adding Numbers:
Step 1. Add the first and second number,
Step 2. Add the next number to the sum,
Step 3. More numbers? Go to Step 2.
Ah but you might say to me, "Wayne, I didn't add the first two numbers. I added the last two numbers and then added the first. I still came up with the right answer."
Wow! You applied the Associative Property of Addition which basically allows you to add numbers any way you want to. You might be too smart for this. Better test yourself just to see if you really know.... Click here for a self test.
What you actually did in the example above was something that many people consider trivial. Conceptually it is.
But remember I said that we also deal with manipulations? The manipulations I'm referring to are actually rules, laws, or properties of numbers that allow us to do things within the framework of mathematics.
Don't worry, you're not going to learn a gazillion rules or laws because you don't need to.
I'll take you step by step through the material and present new things you might have known but maybe have not thought about from an algebraic way of presentation.
Let me sidestep for the moment and tell you straight up, YOU NEED TO GIVE YOURSELF A CHANCE!
A chance to do something. Not all problems are solved in a minute or two. Some problems take days. In fact, there are problems in mathematics that have been around for hundreds of years. Yes, you read that right! I can make a bet, a probability problem, that you will not take hundreds of years to learn what you'll find in my book Introductory Algebra.
All I want is for you to give it a try, as thousands have done before you, and succeed!
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Algebra Problems.
Who Can Use This Introductory Algebra Math book?
The material you find in this book was developed in three different educational environments and is set up to satisfy the needs of:
- High School Students
- College Level Students
- General Educational Development (GED) students.
However, you do not need to be registered in a specific program to use the material. Many people use my algebra math book, Introductory Algebra, as a quick guide or reference on how to do something they may have forgotten.
You can truly work at your own pace throughout this book. There are many examples that you can work through that explain in detail how to do something in algebra and there are a host of problems for you to try.
Some Features of the book Introductory Algebra ...
Here are some of the features that you’ll find:
- There are thousands of examples and problems for you to work through. All the examples are presented in a step-by-step approach so that you can see exactly how problems are solved.
- This is the only textbook in mathematics that I know of that utilizes “algorithmic thinking” to solve problems! Don't let something like a word scare you. An algorithm is simply a step-by-step process.
- Each chapter has a sample test so that you can determine what you need to review for your personal understanding of the material.
- Each section builds on a previous section so that you fully understand what the material talks about.
- You work on the material at your own pace.
- There are a multitude of word problems throughout the book. In fact, it is not unusual to find an entire section of a chapter devoted to word problems. These word problems are real-life type problems that many people experience.
It is a highly concentrated course that presents not only the theory but practical applications as well. Again, there are thousands of examples and problems to help guide you in this learning experience to make learning algebra easy and fun.
Here is the format of each chapter of Introductory Algebra ...
The Algebra Math Book, Introductory Algebra, is composed of 10 chapters. Each chapter is divided into Sections. Each Section details the information of a specific topic with clearly defined objectives, examples and problems. When applicable you will find many problems that relate to real-world experiences. To see a complete listing of every chapter, click on this link.
At the end of every chapter you will find a Sample Test. Use this to test yourself. If you get any problems wrong I suggest going back and reviewing the Section that the problem addressed.
What if I don't need the whole book?
I designed this website in such a way that you can pick and choose what you need to work on from my algebra math book, Introductory Algebra. In the column to the left you see several entries that refer to the Chapters in the book. Just click on the word Chapters to bring up a new page that shows all the chapters with a very brief description of what each chapter contains. From there click on a specific chapter to see all the sections available. Also, located near the bottom of any page you will see a link to all the Chapters that compose this work.
If you prefer, you can also click on Algebra Store, located at the top of this page, to bring up a page that has the complete listing of everything you can purchase online.
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So, I hope you take the time to explore this site. Remember, give yourself a chance! You can do it if you want to!
Take care,
Wayne A. Strnad Author of Introductory Algebra
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